torsdag 17 maj 2012
Elvis - may 17
Elvis performed in "The City Auditorium"Asheville, North Carolina 7.00 and 9.00 PM
Elvis flew to Springfield, Missouri, with Gene Smith and Tom Diskin,
while the band drove to the show in Elvis' Cadillac.
Elvis performed at the Shrine Mosque, Springfield, Missouri.
Elvis wrote a note to the staff of the Cedars of Lebanon Hospital:
"Dear Friends, I want you to know how very much I appreciate your very wonderful
treatment while I was there. When I went in I was all shook up but I left loving you.
Thanks a million. My best to all. Sincerely, Elvis Presley."
The producer Bob Finkel had hired Steve Binder as director for Elvis'
upcoming Christmas special and there was a meeting with Elvis at 8833 Sunset Boulevard
to discuss the show.
On the third recording night in Nashville Elvis started with "Help Me Make It Through The Night"
and "Until It's Time For You To Go". Finally Elvis went back to the original reason
that he was there for: the gospel album. Elvis also recorded Paul McCartneys song
"Lady Madonna" this night,
But after some karate moves the session ended before completing the album.
Due to illness Elvis had to cancel 2 shows at the high Sierra theater.
Elvis performed at the High Sierra Room, Sahara Tahoe Hotel, Stateline, Nevada
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